

1. Prof. Frederick Abbott, Edward Ball Eminent Scholar Prof. of Law, Florida State University College of Law, USA


2. Prof. Ryan Abbott, Professor of Law and Health Sciences, M.D., J.D., M.T.O.M., B.S., University of Surrey, UK

3. Dr Jorge Bermudez, Senior Researcher in Public Health, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, (Fiocruz), Ministry of Health, Brazil

4. Dr. Jicui Dong, Programme Manager for Local Production, Department of Essential Medicines and Health Products, WHO, Switzerland

5. Dr. Nick Drager, Executive Director, TBVI (TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative), Canada/Switzerland 

6. Prof. Joseph Fortunak, Associate Professor of Chemistry, joint appointment in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Howard University, Washington DC, USA

7. James Love, Director, Knowledge Ecology International, Washington DC, USA

8. Prof. Jerome Reichman, Bunyan S. Womble Professor of Law, Duke Law School, USA

9. Xavier Seuba, Senior Lecturer and Researcher; Academic Coordinator and Judicial Training Manager at Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies, University of Strasbourg, France

10. Dilip Shah, Secretary-General of Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance, India