
Global Pharmaceutical Regulation 2017

Preliminary Agenda – Subject to Modification
April 14 (Friday)

Welcome - 9:15 - 9:30 AM

Opening remarks and overview :Dean Erin O’Connor,Fred Abbott

Access to Medicines 9:30 – 11:00 AM

Jorge Bermudez: The changing environment following the release and discussions with the High Level Panel and the Lancet Commission Reports

Jamie Love: Access as a global challenge - strategies for addressing budgetary and other constraints in high and low income markets

Coffee Break 11:00-11:20 AM

The Global Production, Regulatory and Trade Environment 11:20 AM – 12:30 PM (Part 1)

Jicui Dong: The changing environment following the release and discussions with the High Level Panel and the Lancet Commission Reports

Dilip Shah: Confronting shifts in the global trade and investment environment

Lunch 12:30 – 1:30 PM

The Global Production, Regulatory and Trade Environment 1:30 – 2:45 PM (Part 2)

Jicui Dong: The changing environment following the release and discussions with the High Level Panel and the Lancet Commission Reports

Dilip Shah: Confronting shifts in the global trade and investment environment

Coffee Break 2:45 – 3:05 PM


The Innovation Environment 3:05 – 5:30 PM

Nick Drager: The TBVI "Business Model" -- an independent, innovative product development partnership that facilitates the discovery and development of safe and affordable new TB vaccines

Jerry Reichman: Why the Nagoya Protocol Matters to Science and Industry in the United States

Ryan Abbott: Will eliminating regulation spur innovation? The new FDA, off label use, and other elements of deregulation

Xavier Seuba: Innovation and access implications of test data protection for biotechnological drugs

The Way Forward - Roundtable Forum (9:30 AM – 12:30 PM)

April 15 (Saturday)

Strategic planning for implementing recommendations of the High Level Panel, and related alternative recommendations
Strategic planning for moving forward the WHO agenda on local production
Changing governance in international pharmaceutical standard-setting
Strategic planning for pharmaceutical sector inquiries
Proposals for Briefing Paper